I have been specialising in touch therapy since 1990, practicing many forms of bodywork and healing touch over the years. My interest began with my own experience of the power of touch to restore emotional and physical balance. Inspired to follow the therapist path, I travelled to Asia to train and practise Eastern forms of bodywork and traditional medicine. In India I discovered Ayurveda, working in an Ayurvedic clinic before returning to the UK to gain a Post Graduate Diploma in Ayurvedic Medicine at Middlesex University in 2006. I also qualified as a Cranio Sacral Therapist in 2007 (College of Cranio Sacral Therapy) incorporating this beneficial therapy into my Ayurvedic practice.
Since 2007 my husband and I have been running Ayurvedic retreats at our residential centre in Lincolnshire. We provide a restorative and often transformative experience of Ayurveda, introducing people to its’ practical science and guiding wisdom for navigating life. We work with a wide variety of people with different issues and intentions. Yet the combination of daily therapeutic Ayurvedic treatments, nourishing cooking and creative counselling has helped many to realise great shifts in their health and feel empowered to create their own happiness.
Ayurvedic medicine is rich with potent herbal formulas ranging from tablets and tinctures to medicated oils and pastes. In 2005 we founded our herb and spice company, Essential Ayurveda to provide Ayurvedic formulas made by people as passionate as ourselves in creating quality herbal support. We are Soil Association certified organic in the U.K and our partners operate one of the only certified organic Ayurvedic manufacturers in India.
My practice is much influenced and guided by Swami Baba Ramdas, an Ayurvedic doctor of a 2000-year-old tradition from Tibet whose teachings are channelled by Andre Pammé. The Amnanda therapies originate from these teachings and sharing them has deeply enriched my life and practice. Supporting people through their own unique experience of Amnanda and Moksha is both rewarding and a privilege. I am also a trainer for Amnanda therapists and run trainings throughout UK.
Animals have always been present in my life, whether they’ve been part of my family or friends made on my travels – I will be remembered by one of my Ayurvedic teachers as the student who was followed into class one day by 6 stray puppies (I had been feeding them and their tired mum leftovers) We have 2 dogs and 4 horses living with us at home all with their own needs and quirks! Responding to their various issues motivated me to build a practice working with animals and in 2015 I qualified in Masterson Method. I have also collaborated with André Pammé to develop Amnanda for horses and dogs and am the instructor in Europe for Amnanda for Animals courses.
My prior experience with Ayurveda and touch therapies influences my approach with horses and dogs. I take a wholistic view, combining touch and movement with enrichment of environment and development of cognitive health. Our animals and our own happiness become very much linked and whenever possible I like to work with animals and their owners together, supporting each in their journey to thrive and build a happy partnership.