Amnanda is the path to joy and Amnanda for Animals brings joy to our animal companions and deepens our understanding of them and what they need to be happy and content.
Amnanda is a process for healing the effects of injury and traumatic experience.
Animals can have all types of accidents from pulled muscles to broken bones and Amnanda resolves the effects these events have on their lives. Animals experience trauma on an emotional level too and to understand more deeply their experience we need to take a few steps in their paws or hooves and view the world from their perspective. Trauma may be the result of abuse but more often it comes from a misinterpretation of environment, loss of instinct and living outside of instinctive behaviours. Traumatised animals are on constant alert and in a state of hyper vigilance. This effects their ability to learn and they may develop phobias for example of thunder, fireworks and travel. Another response to trauma is to redirect stress into behaviours such as excessive licking, pacing, barking, weaving and changes in eating and toilet habits. Trauma also effects the animal’s ability to relax and create bonds with their guardians or other animals and develops pessimism and distrust.
Amnanda is an Ayurvedic healing treatment developed to treat the effects of stress and restore health and vitality. It is a series of 12 oil treatments given over a course of a year. The combination of the oil, specific herbs and touch of the therapist creates a response in the epigenome of the cell. This change at a cellular level triggers healing at a physical level, repairing injury, increasing immunity and overall improvement of metabolism. It also enables a different interpretation of those life experiences increasing the animal’s positivity, confidence, openness to new experiences and ability to learn. Horses and dogs have the same metabolism as us and loving touch triggers production of oxytocin and endorphins and Amnanda increases these feelings of positivity and contentment.
Horses can experience trauma in different ways including accidents, changes in owner or environment, extended box rest, loss of stable mates and poor training. The effects may result in physical issues such as digestive problems, low immunity, tendency to accidents and joint stiffness. When horses are habitually in stress their metabolism is affected creating a predominance of cortisol and adrenaline, increasing inflammation, disturbing hormonal balance and slowing down healing processes.
Trauma may also create difficulties in training or building a relationship causing reduced concentration, a tendency to disassociate, defensiveness or stoicism. Horses are naturally social animals that thrive in community and interactions within the group, but trauma can cause problems with herd dynamics and difficulties adapting to changes within the herd.
The experience of receiving Amnanda creates a new feeling and interpretation of their domestic environment. The horses’ innate strengths of diplomacy, curiosity and problem solving. The healing effect of Amnanda on the nervous and hormonal systems and metabolism stimulates their natural self-healing mechanisms and nurtures a positive, calm sense of well-being in the horse.
Trauma reduces a dog’s ability to understand their environment and learn from new experiences. When a dog has experienced trauma, it can create a permanent state of arousal or anxiety which increases production of cortisol and adrenaline. Intelligence is reduced when cortisol levels are high, and it can be difficult to retrain a dog’s interpretation of their environment when they are in this state. Amnanda acts at the cellular level of this interpretation and increases production of oxytocin and endorphins which increase optimism and positive anticipation.
Dogs do benefit from training and an element of conditioning to the domestic experience, but it is much easier when trauma is not influencing their nervous system. Amnanda has a rejuvenative effect on metabolism and can improve digestion, tolerance to allergens, reduce inflammation and improve mobility. It helps your dog enjoy good quality of health and enjoyment of life into their senior years.
They can receive their Amnanda treatments from me either in their own environment or at my home. They would need 12 monthly treatments given over a period of a year.
Alternatively, you could learn Amnanda yourself and bring your horse or dog to Amnanda for Animals Owners Course to receive their treatments. The course is a series of 1-day workshops held over 6 months and they would receive 2 Amnanda treatments each day so the process is completed in half the time. The course enables you to treat your own pets outside of the workshop at the usual interval of monthly treatments over 12 months.
You can read more information regarding my Amnanda for Animals Course here.