Over my years of practice, experience has shown me the benefits of therapeutic touch and having an understanding of what helps us thrive as we navigate life’s challenges. Whether we are experiencing a temporary health issue or struggling in crisis, touch and communication are a bridge to heal our mind, body and spirit. The therapies I offer help build the bridge, whether it’s helping reduce pain, provide support at transitions in life or help you realise greater self-determination in your life and relationships.
Ayurvedic Consultation
Ayurveda is both a science of health and an art for living. It guides us to understand our connection to our surroundings, the connections between our thoughts and how we feel physically, the link between metabolism and our health, and how the understanding of these relationships can enable us to thrive and experience equanimity in our lives. In your consultation we will look at your health concerns and the many aspects that contribute to health.
These might include your diet, your regular activities, symptoms or health concerns and whether you feel fulfilled and interested in your daily life. I can help you understand how these different aspects affect your health and how to make simple changes for renewed energy and enthusiasm. Your consultation can include dietary advice and recommendations for herbal supplements and therapeutic treatments.
Amnanda Process
The Amnanda Process is an Ayurvedic ‘rasayana’ or revitalising therapy and is a profound process of revitalization that acts holistically at the physical, emotional and spiritual level. Amnanda means "the path to joy" and this is at the heart of all Amnanda treatments and the spirit of Ayurveda. The Amnanda treatments help ease the negative effects of stress and challenging experiences on our daily lives and nurture a process of rejuvenation or revitalisation.
The Amnanda Process is a one-year treatment program of twelve relaxing oil treatments. The oils used in Amnanda are specially prepared with herbs and mantra and are applied to the whole body. It is a journey that unfolds over the year - releasing stress held in different areas of the body and at deeper levels with each successive treatment. Healing begins from the first treatment and each person’s journey is highly individual but always includes renewed enthusiasm, improved relationships, greater clarity and direction in life and restored youthful vitality.
Moksha is a Sanskrit word that means freedom and Amnanda Moksha is an Ayurvedic oil treatment that uses the energy of healing touch to help create more freedom in your life – to free you from blocks and self-limiting behavioural patterns.
Do you ever find it difficult to go from wanting to do something to actually doing it? We can become aware of our blocks when we make a decision to take action. We can have interest, energy and motivation to make a change or start something new but just at the moment of decision we lose confidence or find it easier to take the usual path. This may be a pattern we learnt in childhood and keep repeating making us feel stuck and unable to manifest the life we want. Blocks also form at the level of communication, both physically and emotionally from the communication between the bacteria in your gut to the communication between you and your partner.
The feeling of freedom is directly connected to our physical and emotional health and in Amnanda Moksha we use touch to influence the metabolism through the connections between mind and body. This light touch triggers the production of hormones and neurotransmitters - dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin for example. This boost to the metabolism can influence the cells of the body and also the connections to the brain. This is how we can actually ‘release’ ourselves from negative patterns, by reframing them and matching them with another context and another feeling.
Moksha helps you have greater self determination to create new responses to these blocks and change your conditioning positively. It enables you to feel freedom in creating your future – more freedom in your relationships, your decision-making and all aspects of your life.
Ayurvedic Marma Therapy
Amnanda Marma is a treatment to reduce pain with the forming of positive mind-body connections in the area of pain. It is based on the combination of physical touch and meditative, cognitive work. You go on an inner journey allowing mental pictures to evolve which you share and describe to me. Meanwhile my gentle touch creates a focus with the painful site in the troubled area. During the inner journey the sensation of pain is positively changed through the creation of new neural connections. Within the context of safety and trust, the pain loses its intensity or in some cases can completely disappear.
The process of Amnanda Marma is mainly unconsciously but it triggers a conscious change to the sensation of pain. How often the treatment has to be performed depends on the development of the pain sensation but often a single treatment may be enough to significantly relieve pain.
Integrated Touch Therapies for Improved Mobility, Health and Pain Relief
I work with a combination of therapies which I have found most effective for releasing chronic tension, pain and decreased mobility. These include Cranio Sacral Therapy a gentle, hands-on approach that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance. A very light touch is used to tune into the cranial sacral rhythm to discern and release areas of restriction in the surrounding soft tissues. It can help to alleviate a variety of problems including chronic neck and back pain, migraines, fibromyalgia, birth trauma, tinnitus and TMJ issues. All ages can benefit from treatment and is particularly beneficial for babies.
Ayurvedic Consultation - £50 per hour session
Amnanda - £70 per 1 hour 15 min session
Moksha - £70 per 1 hour 15 min session
Abhyanga Ayurvedic Massage - £75 per 1hour 15min session
Marma Treatment - £60 per hour session
Cranio Sacral Therapy and Integrated Therapies - £60 per hour session